Family Name
Myrsinaceae - The Myrsinaceae are trees or shrubs comprising about 30 genera and 1,000 species. The leaves are simple, glandular punctate, usually alternate and coriaceous; stipules are absent. The flowers are actinomorphic and bisexual or unisexual. The calyx comprises 4-6 separate, or more commonly, basally connate sepals. The corolla is usually gamopetalous, with 4-6 lobes. The androecium consists of 4-6 stamens opposite the corolla lobes and usually adnate to the corolla. The anthers dehisce by longitudinal slits or commonly by apical pores or slits. The gynoecium consists of a single compound pistil of 3-6 carpels, a single style, and a usually superior ovary with a single locule containing one to several basal or free central ovules embedded in an engorged placenta. The fruit is a drupe.